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Apple Quicktime: documentation for DOM events

Well I have been eying the use of Quicktime together with javascript for quite some time now but was very afraid to actually shun the build in controller in favor of a custom designed controller. This is not a problem anymore. Apple as of today (coincidence that I went over there) has published the DOM events to attach event listeners to the quicktime plugin and therefore make it possible without too much hackery to take over control of the movie. It seems Apple fears the flash competition more then ever when it comes to online video distribution and this step - adding eventListeners (and documenting them) - will get them a bit of webcredibility again - especially since now you can control you embedded quicktime object better then a flash movie through javascript (standards nonproprietary scripting language etc etc). Together with the CCS3 animation properties (soon to be standards, nonproprietary) introduced in the latest build of safari and the only superb SVG (standard, nonproprietary ) support in Safari Apple is posed to be a real threat to Flash again (and by now it must be clear that I do not like Flash in any flavor).

Get the Quicktime DOM Events documentation here.


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Their examples don't work for me on IE -- the DOM events do not get called at all.

But who uses IE a year out from now? There are signs on the horizon that the days of IE are counted at least everything v7 and smaller. Its unusable it doesn´t adhere to any standards, javascript framework has been froozen last century, DOM models are propriotary - the sooner the developers abondon support for IE all together and programm for STANDARD complient browsers the sooner you don´t have to write comments like the one above and actually have fun designing websites and use FUTURE technology not last centuries.

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