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The BuFu movement

Or how to survive the moment of technological singularity - formerly called the point watershade

RedMonk.JPGSingularity - in a non Einstein way - is now the catchy name for the moment when technology outdoes the human in every field and therefore creates a feedback loop that is not controllable by mankind. This moment in space-time might come sooner then most of the masses expect as all technology from all is rapidly advancing together for the first time in mankinds history and cross feeding itself. Singularity is not only about Artificial Intelligence outsmarting the human mind - its also about reinventing the human body nature the universe and beyond (ok I exaggerate). Undeniably this point in history - it might be a longer line on the time graph rather then a sharp point so - will come along with the need to change the collective mind of the mankind as this will bring along changes that question everything we have come accustomed to. Besides that singularity might not come due to earth beeing destroyed by evil meteors, US presidents or science comes to a halt through Creationistic theories in the next few years the likeliness that everything we take as granted today might not be so tomorrow is high and the worst problem we might have with this is our own state of mind. Meet the Buddhist theory with its central thought that change is un-invitable and you might find the solution to this mind boggling problem of our soon to come future - forget to look at the Bible or similar outdated print work - which only tells you things should stay the way they are - we are moving at a too fast pace to stop without derailing and crashing and burning alive.
BuFu - Buddhists meet Futurists is a new movement helping along people who see the problems of the future and try to find the answer to mental survival in Buddhism. Very valid thoughts when the rest of the world seems to go wild trying to "safe the status quo" by going back a thousand years into the dark ages with the revival of the traditional church - even questioning evolution or taking the word of "god" as "godgiven". On top of all BuFu sound good a little like foo.


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