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Liberal American trying to explain the behaivior of their Nation

The Information Clearinghouse has an opinion from Charles Sullivan - a furniture maker, photographer, and free lance writer living in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia - about the state of the American Nation and a simple person trying to explain to the world why the american population acts as it acts and how corporate big money is ruling what the US and ultimately the world should look like. Its a very honest and interesting summary of lots of things I wrote here in the past. If more people wake up and start to think like this guy I guess we are in for a "Peoples Revolution of America" which would likely spread to the whole "Western Hemisphere".

From North Korea, Viet Nam, Guatemala, Panama, Columbia, Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, the Philippines, Cambodia, the former Soviet Union, Iran, Syria, Eastern Europe, Haiti, and Jamaica—I could go on indefinitely—America’s military might has always opposed and snuffed out fledgling democracies. Every U.S. military intervention during the past fifty years and longer acted to put down insurrections of popular movements of the people. A thoughtful examination of the evidence makes it clear that the obvious and only possible conclusion is that our military might is used not to promote liberation, democracy, and freedom. It serves as the iron fist of capitalism to smash the face of people’s movements for social justice and autonomy. U.S. militarism is the arm of corporatism that invades and plunders sovereign nations to rob them of treasure and resources. Its purpose is to open new markets to capitalism; to create pools of slave labor and a constant stream of cheap goods for American consumption. It is Wal-Mart amplified a hundred thousand times and projected across the globe.


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