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Trusted Computing Viruses and Spam

Reading my last post again I think the last stuff needs a little bit of explaining. You know it could be put off as another conspiracy theory but I think there is compelling evidence that it could benefit the big corporates and the media so much that it needs a little bit of attention.
The flood of Spam and Viruses (that seem to work hand in hand and both are getting more sophisticated) is really getting on the internet users nerv. Even those proclaming that the internet should be free and anarchic to a point are now convinced that there needs to be rules put in place to stop this from further spreading. Thinking about this whole topic, reading some spam and all I just can not think that it still benefits people to put out advertisment this way. I mean it is buried underneath tons of scrambled text and even for h4x0R slang literates is sometimes hard to decipher what the spam wants to sell you combine this with hundrets of spam mails in my mailbox I can not believe that its really worth the hassle to send out the spam - at least not by making your buck with selling Viagra.
In some of the latest virus code there seems to be a battle going on with one accusing the others of "helping destroy the internet" and in return the offended party returning fire by saying "you destroy our bussiness and our grand goal". That hit me. What would that grand goal may be and what is the bussiness of Spam and Viruses all about? Then about two weeks later Bill Gates comes out with a solution to all problem. No I will not misstate his claim as other news outlets have, he does NOT want you to pay for email, that would maybe even not such a bad idea. He wants you to install software that would compute a small computation before you are able to send out spam. Hmmmm. aha. Not such a bad idea at first, your computer would perform a small task and then send out the email. Then he goes on, that this could be a small hash string to be created. You mean a small hash string that also confirms that its really you that is sending the email? Its like a trojan put into the email system at large that could just be used to enforce Trusted Computing and I think all the spam and viruses might be a the only way the Computing industry and the Media Moguls have of getting trusted computing into every computer on the planet by making all computers without not usable on the internet. They are the only one profiting from it at large and this secrecy the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA) is acting lately is making me suspicious as they surely have not put there idea to rest. They are just searching for a different way to make it happen and Spam/EmailViruses are playing to their favour.
Just a thought.


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