Get perpendicular - 10x Hardwarestorage on the horizon
Even though I always hope that one day we will get freed from Mechanical moving parts inside a computer its still always a relieve when Harddrives as we know them today are getting bigger, faster better as my job requires LOTS of storage that should be as safe as possible. Well Hitachy - the company that bought IBMs harddrive storage unit - has a solution: Let the bits stand up instead of lay down. Sounds strange but seems an interesting concept. If you have no idea what I am talking about Hitachy has a "geeky, strange, funny, silly, ugly" flash animation that explains it to everyone - even if you have no idea how a harddrive functions. I think they should find better musicians and better hand draw artists but the general idea to transport such a difficult topic to the masses is noteworthy and very interesting concept.