Archiving - Data Restoring
Computer have gone through the roof in terms of speed. I am happy.
Computer have gone through the roof in terms of powered data storage capacity (ram). I am happy.
Computer have gone through the roof in terms of longer term unpowered data storage capacity (harddrives). I am happy.
Now I can churn out so many data a day its unbelievable. There are no boundaries to my creativity. uh hm but where do I put all this data?... Uhmmm hmm.. Oh yes great those harddrives have fallen in price. Ah no they will loose there data when not used for a 2 years time. hmm.. Oh yes I could back them up to DVD. uh hm wait they hold only 4.4 GB - at times I have an output of 10 - 40 gigs a day. hmmm. They could be compressed. hmmm great I still have this compressed archive from my amiga days sitting on my hd that I will never be able to open again as this was some strange shortlived compression format. hm. A lesson learned that I never will compress any backups ever even so this guy at MIT says so. Oh he tells me I should move my data to a new storage medium every two years. Great, he must live in a timewell or something. Long Term Data Storage is one of the unsolved problems in computer usage today no matter what you tell me. DLT is to expensive, DVD to small, HardDrives to insecure and all other possibilities a longshot (promised to be released to the puplic in 2006, 2008, 2012). Oh you do not have such a big media volume that needs to be backed up. Feel lucky - VERY LUCKY.