1234567890 - epoch time
Here you have the countdown for the day hour minute second the universe converges with the standard unix time which then reaches the sequence 1234567890 - the day is (this) friday the 13th.
If you are on a Unix system (like MacOSX) you can see the current epoch time by putting date +%s
in the terminal.
It's interesting that it took so long for the wave of interest to catch on about this date. I remember blogging about the rollover to 1,111,111,111 back in March of 2005. And I've been looking forward to February 13, 2009 ever since.
We will soon witness the last significant numerological date in computer history during our lifetime (using decimal notation at least, so long as the standard for Unix time maintains signed 32-bit integers).
Posted by: Randall | 12.02.09 21:34