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Multitasking makes you slower and age faster

kirn-horses.jpgThere is a lot of buzz out on the tubes the last days about how Mutlitasking is affecting you and your brain. Multitasking is everything 2 thing that you do at ones - listening to music while reading a book, beeing on the phone while eating and driving. I am about the worst multitasker in the world - I just canīt do two things at ones it drives me nuts - I need to be completely concentrated on one thing to get anything done - a reason why I seldom answer the phone and my chat messages are left unanswered for days. I thought I am wierd but modern science comes to my rescue and says its absolutely normal because task switching - so the thing to go from one activity to the next - takes a huge amount of brain resources and with it a huge amount of time. Not only hinders multitasking in every person the amount of things they can accomplish but also what can be remembered of what was done (a hugely important thing if ever programmed anything and tried to look at your code afterwards). On top of it makes you age much faster and very likely makes you sick over the long term.

Mythos Multitasking (german)
The Autumn of the Multitaskers (very funny and good written self reflection with scientific facts interwoven)

Even worse, certain studies find that multitasking boosts the level of stress-related hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline and wears down our systems through biochemical friction, prematurely aging us. In the short term, the confusion, fatigue, and chaos merely hamper our ability to focus and analyze, but in the long term, they may cause it to atrophy.


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