MEL Script Release
The intro of the music video I mentioned yesterday was created with Alias Maya. I had to write two MelScripts that got rather big and are almost full blown plugins. Watch the first 30 seconds of the movie to see them in effect. The first is a "random neon light flicker on". If you ever watched multiple neon tubes switched on you might have noticed that they randomly blink and flicker until they are fully turned on. I figured a little algorithm that quit naturally mimics this effect. This algorithm is then applied to new textures for geometry objects and light brightness for light objects.
The other plug in I call "spatial movie" as it spreads out sequence pictures over some planes (or other geometry) when you move by with your camera it makes the movie sequence come to life. Almost like film works. You see this in the very end of the movie when the 3d part blends over to the real life footage.
All MEL scripts are released under the GNU General Public License and is copyrighted by me 2005. Feel free to use the scripts if you ever need them. Send me the results if you like - that would make me happy. If you enhance the code please follow the spirit of free software and make it available to the public. The release also includes manuals and tutorial projects. The scripts should run in Maya 5 and up. Now enjoy: