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700GigaByte inside a G5

After a bit of fizzling I have now fully functioning 700GB G5 under my table. That is with a 500GB Serial ATA Stripe Raid (6Y250MO and 7Y250MO Maxtor) and a 200 GB ATA (6Y200PO Maxtor). I have not done full benchmarking but can report that the Raid is a beast, I had peak out yesterday at 112MB/s read performance. Benchmarking and Pictures will follow.
I just want to say that I hate Apple for not using the room that is available. There is so much space above the optical drive that not only could I put the drive there I could even elevate it with some plastic screws about one cm from the optical, giving me enough safety room for cooling and a way for the wind blowing through the drive fan.
The cable mess is less then expected even with a much too long IDE cable. I had some problems with the optical beeing slave so I reversed it again and it works beautiful with the optical drive (Superdrive) as master.


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Pardon me, I'm trying to format a 200GB Maxtor 6y200po but it shows up as a 2TB drive in disk utility and Mac OS 10.3.3 won't let me format. Did you encounter this same problem? How did you work around it?

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