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ProtoBlogs upgraded to MovableType 4.2

After getting some frustrations with the old movable type installation and lots of broken links and an outdated spam system I have taken steps to upgrade the private ProtoBlogs to MovableType 4.2.
The installation went smoother then I thought with the exeption that I actually had to restructure the site a bit and that means a devastating loss of links from external sites. If you are an external site deep linking to an article on prototypen.com/blog/ this link will very likely not work anymore, maybe you have the time to find it again and update your link (one can dream right? ;).
The new structure is much better but I would have loved to avoid this problem and it will cost us probably a lot of traffic. In return all articles are now under their category and google is most likely able to rank our content better in the future. Furthermore Categories have their own rss feeds and all the other niceties that I have not dug into that can make it to our blogs now.

Update: old deeplinks working again..... its double content now (old and new links) - I know that google aint liking that much but better then loosing the links I guess...


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why don't you use some .htaccess mod rewrite magick to solve the link problem...

...nobody will ever relink deeplinks...

because they are dynamically generated and have disappeared. and now they also have completely different names (instead of archive/20654.html its now /category/subcategory/entryname.html - SEO friendly)
I am currently investigating on how to get the static version back - I have a backup but I think that might mess with movable types internal system...

mod rewrite to a php script that extracts the "20654" from "archive/20654.html" and does some SQL matching to find the correct new URL, build the URL and forward...


hmmm. sounds a teeny tiny bit too complicated for the moment... :) it starts that I don´t have the slightest idea about sql matching (except then that I know it exists).

also meine links zu prototypen funzen problemlos...

ja wie im update bereits geschrieben, ich habe jetzt eine statische kopie der alten links im archive ordner liegen. daraus resultiert zwar doppelter content - etwas was google nicht besonders mögen soll - aber immerhin gehen alle links bis dahin :) ohne viel sql php krams zu schrieben... war die "quick und dirty" lösung :)

c'mon fAlk, where's your perfectionism? ;)

ugh it lacks when it comes to freaking webprogramming... i hate it so much...

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