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War with Iran: An objective analyses

The guardian has an objective analysis if a war with Iran would be possible considering the strained US army and the low approval ratings of Mr. Bush. The article is surprising as it shows that for a Bush presidency nothing could be more beneficial then a war with Iran - especially when he is with his back against the wall. The US can target 5.000 points with 120 B52 bombers in just one mission - enough to take out the complete command and control of Iran (much of that in highly populated areas - some of it underneath Theran - collateral damage of millions of people imminent). About 30.000 US soldiers that are on standby could then move in and start controlling the most important assets (oil fields and pipelines?) and the Kurdish (again) and the Sunnis in the South could then be used to form a new government. Internally Bush has nothing to fear - the democrats would likely not vote against a war with Iran as Iran has cost them a president (Carter) before and would be seen as siding with the evil side. Now on top of all that it is that the US will just tell the UN security counsel that if it won´t vote in favor of sanction with Iran the US will make it absolute and just go ahead anyways - with support of the UK and Irans biggest enemy - Israel.
That this will likely result in a nuklear explosion of the whole middle east and that any peace in the region will likely never be found again seems not to cross anyones mind. Its likely that at the first day a B52 drops one bomb on Iran, Syria will go back into Lebanon and onward to Israel, the Shiites in Iraq will arm up and go against the US and Saudi Arabia will become highly unstable. Pakistan might not be able to control its inner foes and then you have the nuclear conflict looming. The writing is on the wall and if Mr. Bush is not ousted in the short future then this scenario will happen - all things points toward this new war.


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