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The nuclear options....

This title is good for two things happening from once great free country that was the US. Firstly it is the name for an action by G.W. and the republican party to remove the last option to veto against anything that the one and true ruler wants to bring to action. The filibuster is a measure to let a minority really loudly complain about anything the US Sentate needs to approve - like laws or appointments for government officials (in the higher courts or in the administration itself). They are able to complain for such a long time until time is running out for an issue to vote for and through that busting the issue at whole. This filibuster is the last break of democracy to give an all power grabbing president and of course our new imperator wants this to stop. The nuclear option would have allowed the Republican majority in the Senate to vote this down - but interestingly there have been dissidents inside the Republican ranks that brought this to fall - much to the dismay of the imperator who wanted to grab the power of all the once democratic institutions of the Republic.
Read more about this nuclear option in the Guardian.

The other nuclear option is the real one - the one that could destroy all life on this beautiful earth that gives us so much joy - especially in the beautiful spring time that we are experiencing now (have a walk outside to nature if you donīt know what I am talking about). Under secrecy the "nuclear option" is not just an option anymore but fully put into the imperators hand as a legit weapon in the ongoing war "on terrorism" (and dissident republicans). CONPLAN 8022 is the document laying out in detail about "small nuclear devices" like new developed "bunker busters" that should be used in situations like the Tora Bora cave bombings. What kind of damage would such a weapon cause other then underground destruction?
All buildings in a 2 km radius would be destroyd. Civilians in a 100km ! radius would need to be evacuated. Crops plants, animals in a 1000km radius would be affected - that is about the destruction the Chernobyl accident brought us.
Read more about the second nuclear option in the haarez.com
and the Washington Post


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