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Th ChallengeOfTheSuperDuperFriends

Even so I am not blogging about it I am highly interested in the current american primaries, because in the end the results donīt matter but its still fun to see human kind destroy its own dignity and call it sophisticated politics. Bush has done enough damage that any president left or right wonīt change the countries direction for the next 100 years to come. Of course it can either get really ugly (repugs with highly christian "We have been put on earth 6000 years ago by a godly hand" - Hug-a-Bee or maverick McIhaveNoBrainLeftAndWeStayInIraqTheNext100Years) or less ugly but unable to move (with the dems and Mrs HilariousIneedToCryToGetPeopleToVoteForMe or the empty messaged Obamorama) but generally it wonīt get much better as long as they think they are Gods own nation that is above all others (and no single candidate will ever change that). But the blogosphere reporting about the pimaries and caucuses and the general election are full of hilarious funny stuff I especially liked the following comic strip...

found originally in a comment thread on DailyKos with the original website for it here.


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