Surveillance, Terror, RFID - but why?
There is a very enlightening heise online forum message. I am only translating and enhancing it a bit here because it speaks for itself:
Through the piracy of music 0 germans die every day.
Because of this we need complete monitoring of all internet traffic.
Through terror 0.001 german dies every day.
Because of that we need complete surveillance of telefon, total video monitoring the german population everywhere they go and RFID chips in our passports and official documents.
Through illegal drugs 6 germans die every day.
Because of that we need total international war on drugsproducers and consumers.
In normal street traffic 20 germans die every day.
Because of that we need complete traffic monitoring of all Autobahnen.
Through alcohol 100 germans die every day.
Because of that we need warning labels on alcopop and mixdrinks for young people.
Through normal smoking 300 germans die each and every day.
Because of that we need warning labels on cigarette packs.
In germany about 600 people die of fishbones every year
I want total banning of all fish.