Seperation of State and Church
Being someone who does not believe in the ultimate god in whatever form or shape I am a strong supporter of the fundamental thought about the seperation of church and state - something that has been implemented into western society because humans tend to learn from past mistakes - one would think. The current reversal in that direction all over the world is something I strongly oppose as it has enabled humanity to make some of the worst atrocities in its history - much worse then anything in the last century. Religion - as clearly visible at the moment - still inherits this destructive force. I really do not care if people practice religion on any level - as long as they leave me alone with their believes and that I am able to say that I think its bullshit. Exactly that - saying that I donīt believe in anyones god and that I have deep objections about gods in general - will be a political sin soon in Germany if a new law passes parliament that was proposed by our Bavarian overlord Stoiber. Heck I could even go to prison for three years if I tell someone I donīt believe in their god and have a long heated discussion about it. Welcome in the Modern Dark Ages (tm).
Related article in german over at Spiegel Online.