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Never Trust a (neonazicon) Politician - EVER

Two years ago we got biometric password in germany nicely with a RFID card. The Chaos Computer Club, Artists in Germany, personal rights activists, myself and many more have warned that the implication of such a move are problematic for a free society because of various problems. Our interior minister who is developing into a totalitarian neonazi lately (even attending convicted nazis funeral) promised back then that the new data garnered to feed the new passport chips will "only be used to speed up border control and will only be on the passport". Intelligent people back then didn´t believe a word of what he and his supporters said and got a passport before the switch over (jey mine is still valid for another 8 years or so). The mass of the population did not and paid more for an insecure passport system that saved their photo, now also fingerprints, all important personal data such as birthplace and the like not only on the outside readable and already hacked RFID chip but also in a massive Orwellian database.
Now only two years later our new Führer in all things 1984 Mr. Schäuble the same guy that just two years ago told the brainwashed population that "its just for your convinienve at the border and we would never use that data for anything else" is pushing for a law that would make exactly that data available to the GestapoStasi ähm I mean BND and the regular bored german police forces.
At the moment cold wind is blowing in the new Führers face as some dissenters are preparing to challange such a move in court but I am sure the plan for new concentration camps is already in the drawer and such dissenting voices will land there soon - latest after a new Al Quaida terrorist attack in Europe - it badly needed for the new Führers policy. And our chancellor? She is dead silent but what could you expect from a Wendehals (to dig up a once popular word again) who headed the Freie Deutsche Jugend - the kommunist youth organization in former East Germany.
It gets soooo ugly here. Vorratsdatenspeicherung (forcing ISPs to save all internet traffic), massive fusion of all databases at the BND and the police, giving out all bank tranfer data (internally und externally) to the US, going into a senseless war in Afghanistan, Bundestrojaner (to spy on individual computers). Now just imagine a real NeoNazi fraction getting into power in germany and all the tools they have at their disposal and you see that 1933 is 1984 is 2007.


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