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Mr. Galloway, the second act.

Mr. Galloway who spoke out in front of a US Senate Committee about his enrollment in the "oil for food" program back in May 2005 where he was indicted by the US Senate that he got bribes from Saddams regime. The hearing back then was a backlash to the Senate. Mr. Galloway in turn spoke of the "mother of all fogscreens" that is cast by the current US administration and turned his indictment into a public smashing of US politics. I for one admire him for his courage back then. Mr Coleman - the chairman of the Senate sub committee that was indicting Mr. Galloway back then is at it again to discredit one of the most vocal critics of US politics in international politics. Now Mr. Galloway is indicted of lying under oath and there is "new proof in form of witnesses" that Mr. Galloway was indeed part of the oil for food fraud. Those witnesses were rehearsed in Iraqi prisons - I am leaving it with the fellow readers how those statements came to happen but generally putting the talk of "murder regime" as a witness for truth against a person that is for peace on earth and apparently has refuted all claims against him once before is just short of hilarious.
Mr. Galloway wouldn´t be Mr. Galloway if he wouldn´t turn this into a spear rammed into the infidels back. He is so inclined that he speaks the truth that he wants to involve the American Public in the new hearing. According to the Guardian he booked a big venue in Minnesota - one of the reddest red republican states of the US and wants to turn this senate hearing again into a big backlash for the administration that itself is indicted of lying under oath (the other case). He wants to make this a media spectacle. Seeing him the last time one can be sure that this will be the greatest of all dissection of the "mother of all fogscreens" as this time not only the senate committee but also Mr. Galloway will be much more prepared.


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