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Irans smoking gun and a tame US president

When I wrote in November that US spies had confiscated a Notebook with the blueprint for an atomic weapon and that it would be the "smoking gun" for a war with Iran I didnīt really believe that such a bold move would really be successful in the civilized western world. Yet The emergency meeting of security counsel foreign ministers I was talking about yesterday was revolving around exactly this smoking gun - this is what I wrote here:

Apperently it has come to the netizens attention that the Iran "smoking gun" was delivered to Americas traditional allies last year - in form of a "found" notebook from some "unnamed source" inside the Iranian government. On the notebook the american intelligence (we remember those are the once who called the Yellow Cake Report truthful) found the complete blueprints of the Iranian Nuclear Bomb Project - everything they had researched from 2001 until 2004. In fact that report is still classified - maybe they are fearful the "public" might find it forged again before they could make the case for their new war.

Now two month later everyone sees the issue as urgent and says that Iran might even already have Nuclear Weapons. What now they are in the planning stages? They have them already? Who knows - but in a different development the al Sadr with his army that successfully fought off American forces in Iraqs south two years ago for three month is pledging military support for Iran should the US attack - exactly what everyone is saying - and there comes the US president and says things like "the US should end their addiction to oil" coincidence? Hardly - it seems reality is settling even in the most hardcore circles of the US administration - a war with Iran is a loosing game and maybe the hawks are feeling that as well - time will tell I guess.


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