Good Bye USofA
Its been a long time since I have been doing poitical blogging because - well - I reached a point where I think it all ainīt matter and time is against politics in general. The whole world political arena is so virtual and artificial that at one point it will not be regarded as real anymore and not have any impact on humans. Only a real movement a real change that grabs the world at large could turn this around. I thought that Mr. Obama - so I do not like his policies at all - could have brought in that breeze of change into world politics that could have changed the way we look at the system and adjust it to a world that is living in a complete different century then most politicians. But that is no more because - once again the tide has turned and the fear card has been played, the race card, the last minute accusation card and that gave Hillary Clinton the strategic advantage as the candidate of the past and McCain as the candidate of the past past. Now its clear how this will play out as it has been done before. The rising star will fall (the big media loves this more then any policy assessment) - that is Mr Obama - the comeback "kid" of the past will rise and win the nomination for the democrats but then has nothing to run on in the general election against McCain and what does america get? Another four to eight years of the same Bush policies across the board - military presence in Iraq for 1000 years (to quote Mr. McCain) and further dependence on fossil fuels (because that would need a change candidate to overcome) further plummeting economy - you know just more of the same - until the USofA are out of the picture globally - and that will only take four years. And while we are at it - with a McCain presidency comes war with Iran - guaranteed. Isnīt it lovely prospects? And you know what? This time I blame the WHOLE of the american nation with all its citizens for it - because they had the chance to make change happen twice now and failed miserably to get against their last century totalitarian establishment. They will share the faith with the other totalitarian states of the past.