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G8 Sumit: Left Terrorism, Ziviler Ungehorsam & German Nazi 2.0 Police State

There is a G8 Summit coming and with it there will surely be a lot of protests from anti globalizing groups. This year the G8 summit is held in Germany - on a half island in the baltic sea called Heiligen Damm.
In the runup to the summit there is something going on that shows the police emporer without clothes as they are doing massive police actions in Berlin and Hamburg against what they call (are you seated) "Left Wing Terrorist Cells" . They went to most protest groups scattered in germany searched their offices (leaving big messes) and tried to find "23 left terrorist suspects" (Bildung einer terroristischen Vereinigung) and material that would show that the groups are involved in "terrorist activities".
Yes if you are against any official neocon politics in this country you are now officially regarded a terrorist - exactly what all those "anti terrorist laws" have been made for in the last five years. Its not the arab suicide bomber anymore its the left leaning protestors now, tomorrow the last raver, hacker and artist, dissident filmmakers, free media journalists in next year we have NaziGermany 2.0.
Thank you Minister Schäuble for taking off your cloth.


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