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Econonmy 101

"Well to be honest, when I was at a meeting of the IMF (international monetary funds - the world wide banking consortium) last week where all international banks where present. It was notable that there was a lot of uncertainty and yes ... thatīs .... I have to admit that nobody really had a clue and thats quite frightening because normally the banks know these things"

Cees Mass Head of ING Bank in an interview for the "Dollars collapse"

And I read more articles yesterday about how clueless the banks are at the moment when it comes to the current crisis and the collapse of the dollar and the collapse of the North American Market.
It is going to become very very very ugly in the not so distant future - there is not much buffer for the financial markets any more and the domino effect has already started - watch it accelerate and see long lines of people in front of western world banks trying to get what is left of their money. Its all too clear there is no way out its inevitable and I recon in the end its good for the planet (less over-consumption, back to the roots approach to live, value of the limited resources we have, no oil).


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