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Christian Conservative Politics soon also made in Germany?

You wake up one morning just to find some news from your daily news papers that there will be sooner elections then normally and that you chancellor does not have any go to rule the country anymore. Well guess what - we clearly had the lesser of two evil parties on top now it all looks like we get the more evil site in autumn as the population can only see as far as their bankaccounts and they tell them to vote "christian conservative". Oh great I need a new home I think - even though we will probably get the first woman chancellor in history - she is even east german - I donīt think our current economic and social system will have a turn for the better. The "opposition" has had as much ideas for revitalizing the economy as the ruling party - none - and no one can blame either of them - the kapitlism has seen its high point and with the current financial markets pumping all their money into asia and the rich getting richer by just sitting on their money it gets a rarer and rarer occurrence to see some of it in the middle and lower income "families". The christian conservatives will not change it - rather they will act as multiplier to get the riches more money faster sooner. On top this is the party that stood "side by side" with our "friends" in the US and G.W. Bush while he invaded Iraq. I am gonna puke.
Of course I will go vote even so that my lousy voice - if its even counted - will change about as much as a fruit fly on the moon but maybe - just maybe I can at least help to make a statement that then in the press will be picked up as "east german youth votes dark red" or the like - only to be forgotten the week after the elections. Its all corrupt and it seems that we can do nothing against the aging couch potato population that is greedily looking for their next Mercedes or BMW.......


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