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Bagdhad: City of Walls

Growing up in eyesight of a wall that was insurmountable - the end of the world basically I have the deepest aversion to all things that cage you, trap you imprison you limit you to move through this world that is so mine then it is yours then it is theirs. Watching this video documentary made me feel sad and angry. "Tell the world to see" the Iraqi man says showing a lake of sewage in front of the wall where his house is. Only thugs, thieves and misguided people who's feelings have been amputated can allow such human monstrosity to happen. Yes the surge is surely working to turn this beautiful world into an imprisoned hell. I encourage everyone to watch all three parts of this documentary by the guy who was friend to salam pax the first iraqi blogger who has been on my short blogroll since the beginning. He deserves a huge amount of respect trying to report the truth from a place where any misstep any spoken word come out wrong can mean the end of his life. This is something you will not see on any mainstream media - because it is the truth they don´t want the happy western shoppers to see.

Part 1: City of Walls

Part 2: Killing fields

Part 3: Iraqis Lost Generation


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