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American Politicians call for Concentration Camps

Well well. It was just a matter of time if you ask me, looking at the development of politics in the US there is a clear parallel to what happened 70 years ago in Germany. Now slowly the true evils of humans society are starting to show face having lost any fear that they might cause an uprising.
The gubernautical candidate for Arizona Don Goldwater was quoted by the Mexican News Service EFE as saying that he wants to hold undocumented immigrants in camps and use them "as labor in the construction of a wall and to clean the areas of the Arizona desert that they're polluting."
Basically excactly what the Nazis did with Polish and Jews and other prisoners of war - build bombs to destroy their own kind. I suggest putting up a sign over the wall that reads "Arbeit macht frei".
Its slowly but surely getting out of hand over on the other side of the pond.



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