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I found this really entertaining article from a DJane who talks about all her secrets of DJing...


An excerpt:

TECHNIQUE FLOW: The only slightly ephemeral skill to learn is flow. Have you ever made a mixtape for someone you had a crush on? Then you already know what flow is—the ability to maintain a mood. I was at a party once where the DJ kept playing one danceable hip-hop track, then one undanceable slow classic-rock track, one hip-hop, one slow rock, on and on like that for an hour! We would get up and dance, and then sit down, and then we finally just stayed down and shot him really dirty looks. It was the opposite of flow. To master flow, you just need to not be a fucking moron. Can you handle that?

Great inside view of the hard sweaty world of spinning records.


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der link funzt irgendwie net:(
..und zum thema: naja iss schon net soo einfach, klar sollte man sich stylistisch in einem genre innerhalb eines sets bewegen, aber oft haben 2 platten den gleichen flow bzw. strahlen das gleiche gefühl aus während die eine tanzbar ist und die andere nich. kommt sicherlich auch immer auf die party drauf an, ich stimme dir zu wenn du sagst man darf 100 tanzwütigen keine ambientplatten vorspieln:-)

link should work now... its rather funny then serious but I thought it to be entertaining...

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