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The day when there is no low wage labour anymore

200511150007_01.jpgIt looks more and more likely that most people below the age of 30 will see a time when robots are taking over most low wage labour. I expect this to be in less then 15 years. No politician seems to think about such a development and I would even attribute 1% of the 5% jobless people in germany already beeing "victims" of the robotificational transform in society. When I buy a rail ticket in germany I donīt go the understaffed counter but just pull it out of a machine. Driving through Italy I have lots of petrol stations without staffing - just the pumps and a credit card slot. Big factories are laying of more and more people and still have higher and higher revenue - means they must be still producing the same amount of goods or more as before they layed of people - me guessing it has to do with more and more robots - in still primitive forms - populating the assembly lines. Now german government instead of acknowledging these facts come with plans to make people work longer - killing even more work places. In fact I think that collectively everyone should get more free time because all the robots are helping us - it should be a good thing not evil - originally robots came to existence to help people instead of threaten them. Now without acknowledging that fact the society will create a lot of Ludities - people who hate technologic advancements because they rob them of their life's - somehow even understandable but it will create more tension in an already tense and strained society where every little problem causes outbreaks of violence. It would be nice of our politicians to look into the future and see trends that can derail society and accept these changes as fact and work with them or around them instead of against them.
Sparking these thoughts was an article on engadged about the robot bartender that has now pressure sensitive hands and filling your orders autonomous - not yet perfect but soon it might be one of the millions of jobs that are at stake. Knowing the bar owners they would love a no-wage bartender that works for them 24/7 - filling beverages and cleaning the room - for them even cheap student labour seems not cheap enough to survive.


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