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People leaving TV

Something that seems almost unreal. Television, that ancient concept of one to many communication, in America is in a state of heavy decline. According to a Yahoo article the 2 percent drop in viewership is accelerating and among those watching less or NO TV are at most the younger viewer between 18 and 49. 7% of those to be precice. As the Video Art pioneer Eric Siegel put it in 1975:

"The American Dream no longer is evolving. It's in a state of decay. Television must be liberated."

Great that the internet is coming to help here. I personally have no TV anymore, since the capitalistic bastards forced everyone to buy a 200 euro settop box for suprior digital tv. They promised me to get 25 more channels of constant brain frying junk - I passed and in return I have much more time at hand to educate myself, which seem so much more rewarding. I have to admit that I miss the beauty of 25fps high rez (well tv highres at least) news feeds from time to time but I am in high hope that the internet will catch up to this very soon. Multikast could help us get there soon - where is my IPv6......


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