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Eat, Sleep, Work, Consume, Die

Is the headline for a story by Tony Long copy chief of wired magazine. Its scratches the surfaces of what some advanced people in the society have been preaching all along - technology will just fasten the cycle but we will never be able to escape. Mr. Long states that he is a hopeless romantic but I think his whole article scrapes the surface of something far larger and more problematic underneath. A society where the only hope is to get into the headline cycle is a society that is faulty - we loose our connection to the inner self to our surrounding to nature in all its glory and try to find appeasement with more and more toys that you need to work for more and more and in the end you have less time for yourself then the short aged people of the last centuries - and its all not very understandable that people work more since there is less and less work overall in society as computers replace bank counters, ticket counters factory workers etc etc. And it will get worse with robots replacing all low income jobs in the next 15 years the whole society needs a rethinking needs a restructuring - you could even say that the riots in France are the beginning of an inner struggle with mankind itself to restart a life where you do not need to hunt for the fox to survive the winter - we are entering a complete new territory and it seems not many people are thinking about the future with all these new technologies - a changing society needs to find a new path or it will all be violent and ugly and a survival of the fittest we are back to the dark ages future that will great us. There are so many jobless hungry people in the world and so many lost in work souls who work until they die - mostly a work-stress related death - the rich want to get richer the poor want to get rich to just get richer when they are rich the hungry want food when they have food they want the same toys as the rich and all that just to have plastic stuff that you throw away electronics that keep you happy on your 2 hour commute to work - just to throw them away when they are broken a year later - something you worked for at least 10 days in you life and its a cycle that will spin until you have forced break until it canīt sustain itself - either because of a lack of resources on our planet or a lack of resources in our soul - but the break will occur. The starting points are visible today still there is no concept other "more consume more consume the market needs to exponentially grow grow grow people need to work harder and longer to consume consume consume so the market can grow grow grow...." Until the end and beyond...


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