TV ratings plunge in the US- advertisers want their money back
Bad news for TV as we know it doesn´t stop coming in. Today NBC is reporting that it has to pay back advertisers because their ratings have been horrendously bad. NBC is not the only one, ABC CBS and and even Murdochs FOX is among the casualties of a rating drop not ever seen. Normally the TV networks are giving out "free slots" to advertisers but there are no free slots as they have been already distributed by the first round of onslaught. Needless to say that fewer rating means fewer advertiser means fewer dollars means less quality production means lay offs means an endless downward spiral until TV is at a point were you me and the dog can compete with the production quality (and of course every freelance journalist can compete with the content).
The networks blame the plunge on "new rating measures" (reported here before) but it probably just shows a more real picture - the couch potatoes get less - the mouse potatoes become more.