VJ Tools: the tactic M2
VJ tools are springing up everywhere and they get weirder and weirder. Instead of acknowledging that every VJ wants total freedom of the software and controller he/she uses companies pursuing the "all from us" strategy more and more. The newest breed is the "tactic m2" from lividinstruments - not only have I never heard of this company nor do I know their software. From what I see - "Nothing new move along". Even with the dedicated hardware its still only 320x240 capable on modern portable macs and contrary to the claim that it replaces a camera a video mixer a second powerbook and a slew of other gear - its fantasy and it will not. No one professionally VJing in big events will rely on only one source nobody will rely on solution without a video mixer (its such a good solution to many problems a software can never solve) and instead using curvy shaped mahogany they should have used an indestructible much cheaper plastic that fits in cases as most VJs lack space and funds. Also there are tons of other Midi gear out there that works with about any VJ app on the planet and is not confined to the one that noone has heard and that is totally untested by the masses. I feel that more and more company trying to rip of VJs not understanding that the market is still so tiny and mostly uncommercial - they will get it eventually. And audio over USB has a not acceptable lag so don´t even supply your customers with a free adapter....