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CTRL-V a_hacker_story V1.0

ctrlv_09.g4_fturmsignal.gifOn saturday September 11th 2004 protobeamaz:fALk with visual beat support by fRED will showcase "CTRL-V_a_hacker_story". An one hour live mixed VJ short about a young media hacker who brings downtown Berlin to glow.
The next generation short film will be showcased on the 23rd birthday of the Chaos Computer Club onto a live audio set from Sven Dhose and O. van Statten ("Der 3. Raum"). Location is the broken down alien spaceship "C-BASE" @ Rungestrasse 20 Berlin/ Kreuzberg Germany. The short will be injected for maximum blood pressure at around 1:00 am.
Don´t miss out on this great moment in the space time continuum and see how cinema converges with club culture.


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» Das war ein Samstag... from Stahlwalzwerker
Wie ich ja schon erwähnte war am Samstag die Birthday-Party vom Chaos Computer Club (CCC) im C-Base (Berlin). Es war 'ne fette Party gewesen... und es kamen mir (und Lotti) auch ein paar interessante Dinge vor die DigiCam... :) Am... [Read More]


yeah - a young media hacker look like me ;-)
nice gif animation, u did it by yourselv???
i wish i could do thnigs like that.

it was a great party, thanks for the cool visuals. did you happen to find my geeky hoodie amongst your gear after you left?


hey fette visualz... cool stuff and great movie!

... hey fAlk, deine visuals machen glücklich! :)

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