Society to Fight copyright infringements under legal suspicion
The german society to fight copyright infringment and part of a global network sponsored by the Motion Picture Association (MPA) in the US is under legal scrutiny as evidence was found that they sponsored a warez server (one of the biggest fastest in germany) to "track down illegal file downloading".
It seems like the biggest joke of the century. The very same company that made multiple stupid "filesharing is illegal" spots that you had to pay for to see in the cinema and on rental dvds is now in legal trouble because they seem to have supported a big download server sitting on the network knot of germany in Frankfurt. Apparently they sponsored the server to get access to the log data. It will be interesting to see how this case pans out. The hilarious thing is that some of the spots have shown "evil hackers" in prison - being visited by their wife and children singing them birthday songs once a year outside the prison wall or being shown almost sexually harassed by male inmates - lets see if those very same people making up those spots actually landing in prison for the exact crime they tried to make us believe is the uttermost evil to society.
This all after the rootkit fiasco from Sony that exposed millions of computers and installed sony made malware. Give people too much power and they will misuse it.
Story developing - more indepth information on