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US Army: Peak Oil is imminent

The "Peak Oil will win the bet for human self destruction" camp has a big fan. The Energy Bulletin says that a public document (PDF 1.2MB) by the US Army reveals that the biggest military institution in the world is fearing that the constant flow of fresh black gold will soon start to stutter. The US Army is a huge "Oil Addict" with its millions of vehicles, factories and camps running on the premise that the liquid comes in cheaply. The strategic report reveals that the oil industry has been hiding the fact behind "skewed" statistics. The "official" version of the Oil Industy is riddled with mistakes and misleadings. For the "official" projected Peak Oil point in time the exploration of new oil fields would need to increase five fold - in the last years it has steadily been declining besides new technology.
Now with the US Army basically saying exactly the same thing as the Peak Oil "advocates" there is still no big media research or reporting. I mean I understand that they are all lining up behind the power elite - but Peak Oil is something everyone in a developed environment should at least have a thought about - and especially those that are powerfull today should fear the energy crisis as the world would not be in social order as we know it today anymore after the oilprice surges to something like €250 per barrel.
The positive effect is also shown in the document of the US Army. Apparently the report suggest that the Army should go "energy efficient with less carbon fuel and green energy alternatives as soon as possible. Fear can drive innovation.


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