crowdSpring the end of the design bussiness
It had to happen and I like how it happens. The bussiness I trained for in long years will not be the same anymore. CrowdSpring is a website aimed at destroying the "professional" design market once and for all - that is the multithousand dollar design projects that made circular logos with helvetica. What the website does is let a company make an offer for designs like logos, website etc. For example a logo goes between $200-$1000 at the moment - thats about the money a professional design firm asks just to come to the first meeting. Then everyone and their dog can submit logos and the design company can then select the one they want and the recipient gets the money - no matter where he/she is - in bed or in the high decorated office with the $2000 lean back chair. I am more then certain that this will catch on big time and in the process will probably completely wipe out the "pro" design market with its (wo)man in black. This is especially true in a time when firm want to cut costs and there are more firms doing inhouse design for the more complex stuff (like supervising a CI).
So if you need a logo go to crowdSpring offer $300 and get 1000 custom made for you to choose from in return.
And for the snooty designer out there - its gonna hit everybody.
Hey fALk - thanks so much for your post about crowdSPRING and for recommending that people take a look. We certainly appreciate the tension in the marketplace when an established industry is faced with change. It's refreshing to read your perspective - because it reflects the views from the business community. We're working hard to educate and provide a level playing field for designers from around the world - and to give small businesses a chance to access an amazing variety of creative talent. The market will ultimately decide whether we succeed or fail. And we're OK with that.
Ross Kimbarovsky
Posted by: Ross Kimbarovsky | 5.02.09 20:39
I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor its the right way forward.
Posted by: fALk
16.02.09 11:32