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Warhammer Online Trailer VFX Talk

warhammerpresentation.pngRarely have I seen such an indepth discussion of the VFX pipeline for a film/short/trailer. While I really like medieval settings but not so much the war side and while I probably never will have the time in my life to play a MMPRPG (massively multiplayer role playing game or whatever they are called these days) I quite enjoy the the all 3d trailer with a huge amount of attention to detail. This must be one of those project that revieved a lot of personal love (you can tell from the little stories inside the bigger stories - the off the main focus details) and most of the stuff is very much handiwork - no automated scripts like Massive for the battle scenes (that means you have to place 7.000+ 3d orks by hand battling it out against each other). The crew talking is funny and engaging and even if you do not have a vested interest in 3d and vfx stuff this (2+ hours) talk is very mind opening and much of it is digestible for the non techie crowd - even if it is just to see the amount of work being put into a 4 minute trailer.

Blur Studio talks about the Warhammer Online Trailer


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