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asciiInternationalChaos.pngBack in those times where a 24k modem was something to be proud of, times where you had to dial into local BBSes because there just was no interconnected net. Times when you had to wait for a full ascii 10 lines menue to load for 20 seconds. Times when you first got into contact with the truth of cyberspace - back in those days an artform was born that still to this day has a lot of followers and has lost nothing of its beauty - ascii art and everything derived of the 256 members holding ascii table.
A side devoted to preserve the best of all ascii in pure nonwebenabled ascii form is to be found here.
Get all the Amiga favorites in ascii with your current monospaced font, in the topaz font, or the pOd noOdle or the PC versions in ANSI or PNG.
Its a timewarp and the creativity is outstanding - so I do miss some of the cooler ones from the sites - I have to dig around if they are still on my old floppies somewhere and if I can get them over to my newer gear somehow as well. Still an ASCII art museum is a great idea.


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