Kapitel Vier: Live Cinema Software als instrumentelles Medium und mediales Instrument für fliessende Erzählungen

From Live Cinema Research

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expanded cinema 107: This process, best described as "post-stylization," is accomplished through cinematic equivalents of the four historical styles of art: realism, surrealism, constructivism, and expressionism. Cinematic realism already has been defined as Cinéma-vérité capturing and preserving a picture of time as perceived through unstylized events. Cinematic surrealism is achieved by the juxtaposition of unstylized elements so incongruous and remote that close proximity creates an extra dimension, a psychological reality that arises out of the interface. Cinematic constructivism, as we've discussed it, actually is the universal subject of synaesthetic cinema: a constructivist statement, a record of the process of its own making. Cinematic expressionism involves the deliberate alteration or distortion of unstylized reality, either during photography with lenses, filters, lights, etc., or after photography with optical printing, painting, or scratching on film.


von Farborgeln bis algorythmic Programme

Moderne Programme=

Datenbank Basiertes Interface (Grid, Flowmotion) Layer Basiertes Interface (wie heisst das noch is so orange grau) Videomixer basiertes Interface (VDMX) Strukturbasiertes live programmiertes interface (Quartz Composer, Max/MSP)

Wie kann ein Live Cinema Interface aussehen?


Bild: Effekte, Tempo

Komposition: Layers, Mix (Key)

Steuerelemente: Audioanalyse, Midi und Externe Controller
