Kalkin: Character Profiles
From Live Cinema Research
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Physical Appearance
- Age: 19
- Sex: Female
- Special Features: Artificial Eyes, NeonGreen Moving Tattoo around Thigh (maybe colored skin), Left Wrist Computer Implant, scarred
- Hair Style: to be figured out
- Clothing Style: Rugged Army Punky Tank Girly Style
- Shoes: Some Kind of Artistic Climbing Shoes
- Visible Gear: Spray Can Belt wich hold two Spray Cans, The MovieChips and a selfmade Knife and other stuff
Born blind in the pre division era around 2009. Because of Blindness disability put to sleep and dumped on baby disposal site. Picked up by Rebel Group and medicated to wake up again then nurtured back to live. Big Fish - the nanotech professor - being part of the Rebel Group thought of her as a good way to test his new nanotech - developments for restoring vision. Subsequent injections of nanobots result in selfassembly of artificial eyes that connect to pings brain. Big Fish raises her in his home/laboraty/greenhouse lying to her about the true identity of her past and saying her parents were heros of the battle divide. She steals something - frowned on by the society - and as a consequence is kicked out by Big Fish. Living on her own for quite some while she develops a strong personality and oversense of independence. Later they forgive each other and Big Fish supplies her with cool technology and in return she is taking care of his green house.
- rebllios
- casual
- caner
- likes kitchy stuff
- geeky
- latchkeykid
- doesn´t know her true identity - subconsciously looking for identity
- physically rough but mentally girly
- chilled out
- never rushed or hektik
- very cool
- as a side effect of the sleeping injection that was given to her when she was a baby she still has moments where she dazes out all of the sudden as if in another world.
Goal In Life
- wants to hack megasystems of the west just for fun
Character Development
- develops into a guiding spirit by becoming kalkins mother like entity
- becomes somehow enlightened throughout the installments
Physical Appearance
- Age: 25
- Sex: Male
- Special Features: normal
- Hair Style: short sporty
- Clothing Style: technical sporty
- Shoes:His Olympic Running Shoes of the West - Silvery Keflar undestructable adavanced super shoes.
- Visible Gear: none
Originally from Bayeonia (corporate side) where he was a olympic champion in 100m hurdles and raised conservatively and in comfort of the system that helped him and he helped it. When he turned 24 and set up for the next championships he was diognosed with some desease that only a few people get. He refused the medication because it would have caused a complete loss of long term memory. So he was kicked out of the olympic team and the upcoming championship. Becuase he was now percieved as a disabled person he was put into a penalty job at an assembly factory line. Realizing that this is not the life he wants to live and that the system turned against him he used his strength to flee over the wall to the other side. Big Problems adjusting to his new surrounding where he had to learn about growing and building and other practical things. Still suffering from his desease he heard about Big Fish and that he might have a cure with his nanobot technology. He goes to him for treatment - but never meets Ping. After cure he decides to become Parkour runner and enter a big competition. He trains hard for that to maybe fullfill his dream of becoming the world best runner - even though its the Otherworld.
- Uncreative
- Lack of common sense
- Has two left hands
- Stubborn instinct for survival
- Suspicious and Skeptical
- Adrenalin junky
- No develped emotional attachment to anyone
- Intelligent, philosophical
- comes across as a cold hearted sports obsessive
- lost but nonetheless a survivor
- Moves elegantly
Goal In Life
- no apparent goal - he is lost
- dream of beeing the best runner in the world is shattered (twice)
Character Development
evolves sense of affection and innocent form of love (for ping) learns about feelings
Big Fish (formerly known as the Proffessor)
Physical Appearance
- Age: 72
- Sex: Male
- Features: Scruffy Unshaven Worn. Gray. Dark toned wrinkled skin.
- Special Features: spiritual necklaces talismans rings etc nano finger scanner
- Hair Style: gray scruffy
- Clothing Style: old worn leather jacket - praktical dark grey brown black
- Shoes: old worn selfmade leather things
- Visible Gear: wearable electron microscope, Magnetic Pen that collects nanobots and analyzes them and programms them.
Won the nobel price and was respected member of the (high)society. When his wife got into a wheelchair because of an accident she was considered an outcast as every disabled person started to get brandmarked at these times. She took drugs to overcome the feeling of being worthless and desintegrated until an early death before the professor could finish developing a cure against the disintegration of the nervous system through nanobottechnology. Loosing faith in the current social system he then joined the rebel movement which was the precursor for the second great divide.
- harsh with himself
- shows no emotional affection to anyone
- dark sense of humor
- introverter
- very geeky
- introverted
- grumpy
- fiery tempered
Goal In Life
- done with life
- wants to develop his technology and help disabled people
Character Development
- revives his rebel spirit and develops a reason to be alive
- opens up emotionally to Ping and Azreal as a father figure
Physical Appearance
Has no apparent physical appearence. Manifests himself through various tecnological means /Screens/can see through Pings Eyes and other camera systems. Can feel through motion sensors etc.
Sex: androgynous
The millions of connected computer systems and their automatic communications creates the lifeform through a catalystic events.
- sad because lack of embodyment (only can operate electrical things)
- it likes kitchy things
- attached to ping
- humorous and playfull
- enjoys stupid things
- precise and rational
- fundamental language is binary code.
Goal In Life
- rid earth of its evil and leads mankind along a new path
- be king of the enlightened afterworld
Character Development
starts of like a child playfull and curious and it pinpoints ping partially because it senses she is the enlightened budha incarnations type and part of because he can see through her artificial eyes.