iam breaking in the rain, just breakin in the rain

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Was die Jungs da auf der verregneten Kreuzung treiben, hat mich grad schwerst beeindruckt. Ich mein das Setting, die Stimmung, die Skillz!. Hamma:

dies ist der äusserst informative Infotext:
turf dance tuttin turf feinz dead silence get active chonkie f krumpin poppin lockin e-ninga E ninja no noise will jerm sco boi idummy t roy scoot breaking breakin break dancin break dancing locking tutting battle popping robot turfin turfing turf fienz groovin boogie music tunes ipod cliff hanger flexin feetwork smooth street dancin allie cat lil wayne clown walk hyphy movement e 40 too short mistah fab yu youth uprising young 16 yoram isolation cuttin feet hand work funk hip hop beats clowning clownin boogaloo the lab americas best dance crew turf dance tuttin turf feinz dead silence get active chonkie f krumpin poppin lockin e-ninga E ninja no noise will jerm sco boi idummy t roy scoot breaking breakin break dancin break dancing locking tutting battle popping robot turfin turfing turf fienz groovin boogie music tunes ipod cliff hanger flexin feetwork smooth street dancin allie cat lil wayne clown walk hyphy movement e 40 too short mistah fab yu youth uprising young 16 yoram isolation cuttin feet hand work funk hip hop beats clowning clownin boogaloo the lab americas best dance crew yak presents twins in paris october 2009 la loco club nuit night danse dance turf turfing new style breakin breaking krumpin kruming turfin waving popping spins tuts glides Hyphy Street Show juste debout 2008 preselections new style Juste Debout The Twins Meech Joseph Go hip hop dance jumeaux twins maerican got talent incroyable regis fun break new style tv arts et spectacles Philemon Psycho Hip Hop Juste Debout 2008 Abitwins Criminalz Krump Newstyle Yugson Tip Top Wanted Posse Incroyable Talent Twins Newstyle Criminalz Laurent Larry Breakdance Popping Smurf Dance Moves criminalz cew

via ronny

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This page contains a single entry by published on June 20, 2010 12:04 PM.

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