Wenn Pflanzen singen

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So ein paar verrückte, kreative haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht die Sprache der Pflanzen für uns hörbar zu machen. Auf der Website Dragonline werden die aufgnommenen Resultate vorgestellt:

David Last Plant Relax for Stone by duncanlaurie

Und den Kerl hier kenn ich sogar persönlich:
080718 Synesthete Live We Are Hacks by synesthete

Infotext Snipp:
The sounds that accompany the music below were produced by plants, bio-sensors and rocks. Each has been carefully “miked” to access information stemming from the source itself, in an attempt to co-create a sonified output from Nature.

Mille-voltages were extracted by electrodes from a plant leaf or other sensors, via custom made rate of change converter or Wheatstone bridge instruments. They were then amplified and translated from voltages into pitch-shifts. These signals, in turn, were processed by an Eventide Harmonizer. The Harmonizer allowed us to tune the sensor outputs together and to the music or sound source. The combined product was fed back to the sensor, plant or rock as musical or sonic phrase, increasing the intensity of the loop. On occasion, the results yielded very compelling soundscapes. We noticed immediately that the plants and the other sensors seemed, upon occasion (at their disposal), to pattern themselves closely to music, to the point that they appeared to actually improvise!

via @fALk_g

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