Tortoise - Gamera - Chicago '68 (the whole world isn't watching)

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Na Holla.
40 years on and how soon we forget.The United States Of Amnesia. (Tortoise Rocks!....Turn it up!) Is it just that left politics in America is hard? Not much possible? Play to secure the marginal victory and avoid central defeat. What is it? We face the fact that political institutions designed to perpetuate a system of power will never become instruments for the transformation of that system. Period. If you want to stop not only the war but the system that begot it,if you want not merely to blur the edges of racism but to change the system that needed slaves in the first place and could 'emancipate" them only into ghettos in the second,if you want not merely to make deals with irrationality but to liberate reason for the conquest of joy,then you will have to go outside the system for the preperation of your means. Go inside yourself and rediscover the feeling of your own possible freedom,and from there to the possible freedom of others. Pride and communion. Peace. - Carl Oglesby.

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