The Yes Men need your help!

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Die großartigen YesMen brauchen Hilfe beim Filmdreh in New York im September, ich weiß ja nicht wie viele New Yorker hier lesen, aber dennoch, wenn ich in New York währe, ich würd mitmachen:

Help the Yes Men! The Yes Men need your help! If you live in New York, legendary cultural jammers the Yes Men and friends need you now to pull off some large-scale shenanigans in September. It’ll be fun and stupid, and it’ll create a splash in the media. Your work COULD get seen by millions! To volunteer, please contact Here’s what they need: * People who can sew or build things. * People who know how to shoot and edit video and have their own equipment. * People who enjoy wearing deeply ridiculous costumes in potentially perilous situations. The work will go on for four weeks starting now. You can volunteer for any length of time that you like. The location will be: 342 Maujer, Bushwick (L train to Grand Street)


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This page contains a single entry by published on August 24, 2009 11:55 PM.

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