Best of Bubblers a Brownswood Mixtape

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Heiliges Knanonenrohr, was für ein Geschenk!

Tracklisting -

1. Soundspecies - Can We Call It Love (with Ahu) [BB4]
2. Simbad feat. Steelo - Soul Fever [BB1]
3. Bullion - Get Familiar [BB3]
4. NSM - The Hype [BB2]
5. Katalyst feat. Steve Spacek - How Bout Us [BB3]
6. Cornish Waters feat. Duchess - Walking [BB2]
7. Ayak & First Man - Can We Go Back? [BB1]
8. DJ Day - A Place To Go [BB3]
9. Mayer Hawthorne - Maybe So, Maybe No [BB4]
10. Iman - Who Was I Trying To Fool [BB1]
11. Flying Lotus - Tea Leaf Dancers [BB2]
12. New Look - Everything [BB4]

Brownswood Bubblers 4 is released on the 24th August 2009.


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