January 2007 Archives

afrikanien -> 3 wochen weg

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Die Zeit rinnt mir davon, sodaß meine geneigte Leserschaft eher weniger Inhalte in ihre Browser von mir erhalten. Das wird auch für 3 Wochen so bleiben, denn am Dienstag fliege ich nach Madagaskar, von dort aus bloggen ist zwar technisch nicht unmöglich aber nicht unbedingt der Grund meiner Reise. Also ich mach nen paar Fotos und in 3 Wochen ein Eintrag der hoffentlich einen positiven Reisebericht darstellt. Gehabt euch wohl und klickt mich mal wieder.


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This was a great experience! As a mogreens blog reader you should know that we ( visualberlin.org) spend our last 4 days organizing and running the avit-> c23 vj conference. I want to give a big THANK YOU to all participants, i dont want to start with telling every single name because there were soo many poeple involved that i would forget at least someone. But i want to tell you the ones that supported me the most. There were 5 guys who i want to thank for doing a freakin amazing job: Grisu, fRED, flux, cyper aka carschti and fALK! special thanks also to the visomat guys who ran the small and well working m12 club, there is a musican who earns a BIG SORRY - I really want to apologize - because he set up his final scratch of no earthly use but still stayed friendly and there were no worrys. Sorry Manuel Lamora from symbiosys! I met a lot of nice people I hope i will see them soon again to work together. By the time find my usb cable in one of the 20 cases i still have in my van i will upload some pictures. until then you can find pictures right here so. . In a couple of days i will try to create a new blog entry with more details about the avit->c23 until then i wish all of you a happy new year and whatever happens: DONT PANIC! ;-)


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