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Dropping Knowledge - The Question the World is (was) afraid to ask

droppingknowledge.pngIn three days a extraordinary event will take place in Berlin. 500 Questions choosen from a vote ranking system on the official website www.droppingknowledge.org will be put on a huge round table in the middle on Berlin. 112 "important" thinkers, artists, writers, scientist, social entrepreneurs, philosophers and humanitarians will be seated on that table, each one with a networked screen in front of them with a new question flashing up on their screen for them to answer. The questions are uncensored and some in the top ten that are visible for anyone are quite to the point. Most are "anti-global" "anti-market" "pro-nature" kind of questions and are surely tough to answer. The whole event is planned as an artinstallation and is to tour around the world after the initial installation.
The epic size will ensure huge media coverage, one can hope that the answers to the questions are biting, to the point and actually helping humanity move forward - and are beeing heard by those in power or those who want to be in power or those that resist power completely.

September 9th, 2005 - Bebelplatz Berlin, Germany

it is worth a try...